Tuesday, August 10, 2010

8/10/10 - "ADAMBROWN"

1. Warm Up
- Foam Roll
- Burgener Warm Up
- Skill Transfer Drills

2. Stamina (3 rounds)
- HSPU, 5 reps
- Pistols, 10 reps
- Pullups, 15 reps

3. Work Capacity - "ADAMBROWN"

[caption id="attachment_1023" align="alignleft" width="151" caption="Navy Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Adam Lee Brown, 36, of Hot Springs, Arkansas, was killed on March 17th, 2010 in Komar Province, Afghanistan, in a battle against heavily armed militants. He is survived by his wife, Kelley, two children, Nathan and Savannah, and by his parents."][/caption]

Two rounds for time of:
- Deadlift (295/185#), 24 reps
- Box jumps (24"), 24 reps
- Wallball shots (20/16#), 24 reps
- Bench press (195/120#), 24 reps
- Box jumps (24"), 24 reps
- Wallball shots (20/16#), 24 reps
- Clean (145/100#), 24 reps

1 comment:

Blake Burleson said...

DNF as RX'd. Hey left hip... GO FUCK YOURSELF!
I WILL complete this WOD on Sunday if my old ass is recuperated.
Look out tomorrow's workout!